Xtreme Green’s Fake Grass Potty Pads

More and more pet owners are installing artificial turf for their dogs. Whether the turf application is intended for their backyards, dog runs, or indoor training facilities, we believe there is no better option on the market than Xtreme Green’s synthetic pet turf. 

Dog Potty Pad

From the ultra-soft, thick-bodied Bluegrass Blend to the well-balanced Select Fescue, our pet turf varieties have provided pet owners with quality pet surface solutions for years.

Dogs, in particular, have loved our products, as they are super soft on their paws and joints, perfect for canines that might have mobility issues or new pups learning the ropes for the first time. 

While there are endless applications for fake grass for dogs, by far the most popular variety is potty training pads. Every dog owner can relate to the struggle of potty training your new puppy, especially when there are plenty of appealing carpets throughout the house that your new pet might gravitate towards. 

Synthetic turf potty pads are the best option on the market to help alleviate indoor accidents, and, seeing as we’re the best synthetic turf provider in the industry, we thought who better to help explain the ins and outs of this popular application.

All About Fake Grass Dog Potty Pads

What is a fake grass dog pad? Simply put, a fake grass dog potty pad is a small section of synthetic pet turf specifically intended for your dog to relieve themselves. Pet potty pads have grown in popularity in recent years, as more and more homeowners come to appreciate the benefits they have to offer.

The biggest benefit?  Because of the artificial nature of the synthetic grass, pet owners don’t have to worry about sections of their house being ruined (or their real grass yards ending up dead). 

A Potty Training Go-To

Fake grass doggy pee pads make initial potty training a breeze because they help prevent accidents altogether, as the dog learns to associate the act of pottying with the look and feel of grass. Just be sure to adequately reward your dog for their behavior when they potty in the right place and they’ll catch on in no time. 

This turf product also helps establish a consistent spot and routine with your new pup, which is essential for home training. Pavlov proved it first: dogs learn best through repetition and routine. 

A fake grass potty pad makes it easier for both you and your pup to form that habit. Especially considering that, with a safe, clean potty option now available indoors, owners no longer must scramble for their shoes, harness, and leash before allowing their dog to let loose. 

Not only that, but the realistic grass texture also helps with the transition to outdoor pottying when your pup is ready if that’s the direction the pet owner chooses to move towards.

Easy Mess Clean Up

Every synthetic turf surface boasts fast-drying properties and artificial grass potty pads are no exception. 

A major focus of synthetic pet turf is water drainage, which translates well when that turf is used as a potty pad. Complete with the plastic tray undercarriage, your potty pad will make cleaning up a simple endeavor. 

Simply wash the synthetic turf piece separately with soap and water, or even a hose, and leave it out to quickly dry, and it will be back in the game in no time. Many of our customers purchase multiple pads so they can rotate them in and out whenever needed. 

Long Shelf Life

The long shelf-life of artificial turf means that your fake grass dog pad will last as long as you need it to. In general, synthetic turf can last upwards of 20 years with proper care and maintenance. 

What’s more? Using a synthetic pet turf potty pad will also help cut down on the waste your house puts out over the long run, because you’re no longer forced to use plastic doggy bags every day. 

Place an order for an artificial turf potty pad

Are you interested in ordering a section of pet turf for a dog potty pad? Simply fill out this contact form to place your order!


Potty Training Guide for Fake Grass Potty Pads


How Long Does Artificial Turf Last?