How Long Does Artificial Turf Last?

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Synthetic grass has many benefits compared to real grass lawns, but turf owners often wonder, “how long does artificial turf last?”. After all, if they’re going to make the investment on an artificial turf lawn, we don’t blame them for making sure their new synthetic turf installation lasts them years to come. 

Unfortunately, there’s no one answer to that particular question. 

Why? Well, because the lifespan of your artificial turf may depend on a variety of factors outside of the manufacturer’s and synthetic turf installation company’s control. 

More often than not, the longevity of your artificial turf depends on how well you maintain your artificial turf yard. If properly cared for, we generally find that artificial turf can last upwards of 20 years with no problems. 

In this blog, we’ve compiled our best tips on how to prolong the lifespan of your investment in an artificial turf lawn. 

How to Prolong Your Synthetic Turf’s Lifespan

Perhaps the biggest selling point to artificial turf is the lack of lawn care maintenance it requires. After installing an artificial grass yard, you no longer need to worry about routine maintenance like mowing the yard, aerating your soil, fertilization schedules, or watering your yard with a sprinkler. 

Instead, you’re blessed with a lush green yard that remains that way all year long. 

However, there are still some artificial turf maintenance items to check off your to-do list to prolong the lifespan of your turf. In general, most of these tasks fall under the general category of care and maintenance. 

Chores like cleaning off debris or fallen leaves depending on the season can help keep your synthetic turf clean and unmatted, while periodically brushing or raking your yard (especially in high traffic areas), can prevent your turf blades and infill from becoming matted. 

Artificial turf customers may also need to wash sections of their turf in the event of a stain. Avoid using hard chemicals like bleach, however. A simple water and soap mixture will do the trick. 

Depending on your climate, you may also need to monitor the temperature outside, as some areas of the world become extremely hot in the summer months, which can damage your turf. Periodically cooling your turf down with water helps alleviate this issue. 

Turf Brush

Repairing High Traffic Areas

The most common maintenance and repair issue associated with artificial turf involves the high traffic wear and tear it might receive. Just like carpet, areas of your turf may become damaged or matted as more and more foot traffic walks overtop.

Luckily, this issue is easy enough to avoid with a little elbow grease. Once again, take an artificial turf brush or even a rake over the matter sections of your turf to comb the area upright once more. Pay special attention to the infill and make sure the levels are even across the entire area before calling it a day, though!

“How Long Does Artificial Turf Last”? The Verdict:

In short, the question of “how long does artificial turf last?” depends on a variety of factors, such as the level of care and attention by the owner, the amount of use or foot traffic it receives, and even the climate in which it lives. 

All in all, though, synthetic turf is made to be durable! When you contact us for a synthetic turf installation, you can feel rest assured that your final product will be around for decades to come. 

In general, we say that synthetic turf yards last upwards of 20 years before repair or replacement might become necessary.

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