The Hidden Benefits of ArtificialTurf for Pets

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4 Hidden Benefits Artificial Pet Turf Has Over Real Grass Lawns

Every well-intentioned pet owner desires a beautiful yard where they can let their pets roam free to their heart's content. However, many pet owners these days are weighing the pros and cons of artificial pet turf over real grass when creating their pet’s backyard oasis.

It’s probably no secret we’re biased in this regard, but we feel the low maintenance, year-round greenery that fake grass for dogs and cats provides gives it the leg up in this debate right off the bat. 

However, there are even more hidden benefits to choosing artificial pet turf over real grass on your lawns. Whenever a customer is considering the pros and cons of artificial pet turf, we’re sure to bring up the following benefits:

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  1. No Standing Water

Aside from being an eyesore, standing water in your lawn poses significant health risks for pets. Standing water has a high probability of containing parasites that are harmful to dogs, cats, and other pets when consumed. 

Side effects can range from a simple vet visit to life-threatening situations for your pet, so the dangers of standing water are no joke. Leptospirosis is a common disease contracted by dogs when they drink standing water that has been a focus of veterinarians as of late due to its life-threatening nature.

While there are options to help mitigate standing water issues on real grass lawns, such as french drains or other drainage systems, none of those options are as cost-effective as synthetic turf. 

With a professional synthetic turf installation, every inch of your yard will boast top-notch water drainage. Every one of our turf options has high permeability and drainage holes throughout, meaning whenever rain falls, the water is sure to flow away from your yard and keep your pets safe.   

2. No pesticides

Residential synthetic turf yards require little to no maintenance, including no watering, aeration, or fertilizing required in order to maintain a green lawn. This thought extends to the realm of pesticides. 

With no natural plant life to maintain, homeowners no longer need to worry about harmful pests that might damage their lawns. In a roundabout way, going synthetic with your yard frees you up for more natural options in other areas. 

Cutting down on the use of pesticides is not only better for the environment at large, but is also healthier for your pets specifically. Pesticides can pose dangerous side effects if ingested, and the lack thereof means you have one less thing to worry about when you let your pet roam your yard. 

3. Less Risk of Pests

This goes hand in hand with our last point. An artificial turf yard requires no pesticides because it’s made of synthetic material, but that lack of pesticides does not mean you’re left out to dry when it comes to pest prevention!

Artificial turf has the leg up on real grass in this area too, as it eliminates the living conditions of harmful pests like ticks, mosquitos, and fleas. Not only are these creatures an outright nuisance, either burrowing into your pets’ coats or causing irritation, but they also have real potential to transfer dangerous diseases of their own.

By choosing synthetic grass for your pets, you’re making a commitment to their safety in a number of very important areas. 

Dog on dead grass

4. No Dead Spots

Going synthetic means a green lawn, no matter what! 

With an artificial turf yard for your pets, you no longer need to worry about one of your pets overusing sections of your lawn when relieving themselves, leading to dead spots of grass. 

Artificial pet turf is a fast-drying, ultra perforated turf application that is tailor-made to deal with the messes your pets leave behind. While you’ll still have to clean up after your best friend, you’ll never again have to worry if they favor a spot in your yard a little too much

Plus, there’s no upkeep required in order to keep that lawn green. Naturally, synthetic turf requires no food, water, or sunlight to maintain its lush green appearance, so even the dark, shady corners of your yard will remain picturesque. 

Contact Us to Receive a Free Synthetic Turf Estimate

Are you interested in the many benefits synthetic pet turf can bring you and your animals? We can help make your project a reality, as well as answer any questions you might have along the way. 

Fill out our contact form to get started. 


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